Kalau kedua-duanya (suami isteri) hendak menceraikan penyusuan sebelum dua tahun dengan persetujuan dan perundingan antara kedua-duanya, tidaklah mengapa. Dan kalau kamu hendak menyusukan anakmu kepada perempuan lain, tidaklah mengapa jika kamu berikan pembayaran mengikut sepatutnya.

(al-Baqarah 2: 233)


flat or inverted nipples?

Babies breastfeed, not "nipple-feed", and if a baby is able to take in a good mouthful of breast, most types of inverted or flat nipples will not cause a problem during breastfeeding. However, some types of nipples are harder for the baby to latch onto, especially at first, but in most cases, patience, persistence, proper latch-on technique, and perhaps a few other helpful measures will pay off.

Getting help with latch-on and positioning is critical for the mother with flat or inverted nipples. The baby must learn to open his mouth wide in order to by-pass the nipple and close his gums farther back on the breast.

Breastfeed early on and often - at least every 2-3 hours - to avoid engorgement and give the baby the chance to practice breastfeeding many times while the breast is still soft.

If your baby becomes upset as you attempt to latch him on, stop, calm him, and take a break if needed. Offer him a finger to suck on, walk him, rock him, swaddle him, etc. until he calms down.

While you are learning to breastfeed, avoid any artificial nipples - bottles, pacifiers, and nipple shields (if possible). If you must supplement, do so with an alternative feeding device such as a nursing supplementer, medicine/eye dropper, soft , flexible cup, or a spoon. Artificial nipples may confuse the baby and make an already difficult latch-on even more difficult.


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